pia29 Member


  • Thanks for your replies everyone, I'll be sure to take on board your advice. Probably worth noting that 3000 in one day sounds awfully excessive, however pre-diet this would be a normal day for me. People who know me comment that I really get away with what I eat and based off my eating habits I should be obese. I think at…
  • Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll be uploading before and after pics :) and no doubt asking more questions along the way x
  • Thanks for the reply. The 10lb loss with Slimming World was just diet, no exercise at all. I've just joined a new gym, I have my induction on Friday. I'll ask them to show me the weights and I'll see if I can start off on the Olympic bar and see how I go. Just lifting 3 times a week doesn't seem like a lot, not that I'm…