Lost 3.4 pounds this week y'all!!!!
I felt horrible in all of my clothes. I had to adjust my shirts all the time pull my pant up and so on. So then I finally relized how much I hated how I looked an felt. I stepped on the scale and seen the large number of 225 pounds (revealing to me that I had gained 60 pounds). I knew in that moment that I had to do…
it looks like you have always had a beautiful face no matter what! you look amazing now!!!
yes, thats alot of $$$$$$$$
I eat about 1400 calories a day, and I weigh about 190. My super goal weight is about 170 or 160. I'm 5'5>
your just begining to feel so much better about yourself, even one day of healthy makes me feel prettier and better. its a great feeling, keep it up !
i was skipped :'(
miss chevious - you are a solid 9 girllll ! lookin slim !!!!