When Was Your First Time?



  • pattimae48
    pattimae48 Posts: 5
    My 5 year olds' birthday party was last weekend, and my sister (who lives in Michigan, I'm in California) wanted to see pictures. I was putting pics on Facebook and realized that there wasn't even one of me. Which got me thinking. So I looked through all of my photo albums and realized that there's maybe 10 total of me, and thousands of the rest of my family. See, I delete every photo of myself. And it's because everytime I see one I think "That's not the way I look! I look huge, I'll get a better one". But I never find a better one because they're all just me, and I look the same size in all of them.

    So, I've got to lose it. I'm tipping the scales at a higher weight than at the highest point in either of my pregnancies. I can't play with my kids the way I want to, I have to "rig" my pants with a rubber band so they'll fit better, I get out of breath just doing regular house cleaning. Gotta do something, I'm praying this site is the answer! :-)
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    I've never been really skinny... least I've weighed as an adult is 145, but I tend to hover around 155.

    After my divorce, I got kind of depressed and let my weight get up to 164 (way too much for me at 5'3").

    The other day I was looking in the mirror, hating what I saw, and just decided (even though it sounds a bit pathetic)... if I'm going to be sad and lonely, I don't need to feel fat and ugly, too.

    Just my own opinion of me, but it was the kick in the butt I needed.
  • i realised that not only did my 'skinny' jeans not fit.. they wouldnt do up, they wouldnt even go past my *kitten*... ouch
  • me525
    me525 Posts: 155
    For me it wasnt clothes or running into doors stuff like that.....nothing quite clicks you into gear (well for me anywaythan having your Doctor tell you that youd be dead by 45 if you keep up your current lifestyle.

    I wish I had your DR! Instead I had a dr. who was similar to my build and weight, who just told me that losing 20lbs would be good, but I was fine the way I was........ even with high cardiac markers (showing the probability of future heart problems) all at the age of 29! Seriously! If she had told me 4yrs ago I'd be dead by 45 I wouldn't be here now, I'd be where I'm on my way to:wink:
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    I don't think I realized how big I had gotten when I first started this journey. For me it was more of a realization of the life I didn't want to have. I was still active and went out a lot and was able to do tons of stuff, but my mom is heavy and pretty much bed ridden. I was giving her a "pep talk" on how to be more active and better with her food choices, then went to my kitchen and fixed myself a "slice" of cake (which is really the whole cake minus a slice and sat down on the couch...and realized. That was my future, bed ridden, older than my actual years. The very next morning I woke up threw out the junk food, went for a long walk, rejoined MFP, and haven't looked back since then. Now that I can throw on a pair of shorts and a tank to go out to the beach without worrying about my thighs "dimpling" I realized how many restrictions I had and how big I had gotten. Still nowhere near where I want to be, but getting there!!!!!!!
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    When I saw myself in bikini photos on a camping trip with girlfriends.

    I thought I looked like my slim friends. I had a small waist but my legs and arms were huge.
    I regret getting rid of those photos. They would have been awesome "Before" shots.
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    i realised that not only did my 'skinny' jeans not fit.. they wouldnt do up, they wouldnt even go past my *kitten*... ouch

    Oh yeah...that happened to me too, but it wasn't my skinny jeans....my fat jeans had become my skinny jeans. I didn't realize that until I started losing weight and tried on a pair and couldn't get into them. I really avoided all of the things that would have broken my delusion that I wasn't as fat as I really was. I didn't wear jeans, shorts, trousers, and I wore tons of shapewear and concentrated on making sure that my makeup and hair looked good so that I didn't have to focus on my body.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    When my daughter responded to my comment about a picture where I said I "looked" really fat. :noway: She said (only because she loves me), "Maybe it's the outfit you have on." Sweet, but absolutely not true! I'm not looking back - ever again.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I have a list because I've had a couple babies that made it impossible (or so I thought) to lose weight sooner.

    When I realized I weighed as much as my husband who was 50lbs more than me when we met 6 years ago (I'm 5'7" and he's 6'1".)
    Trying to cram my *kitten* into a roller coaster without making the person next to me feel squished (impossible and embarrassing.)
    Pictures. Oh my god.. :(
    Not even considering going to my 10 year high school reunion because I was mortified to see people I knew 60 lbs ago, and trying to tell my closest friends I didn't want to go without saying why.
    Realizing I'm almost always the fattest girl in the room.
    Having to buy the biggest size in the "normal" section and squeezing into it.
    Feeling my fat thighs rub together in skirts when I always wore skirts every summer before that. And then realizing I looked horrible in shorts!

    Good lord, this is depressing..
  • Marcy31
    Marcy31 Posts: 53
    When I walked by a mirror and glanced at it then kept walking and stopped and turned and said wait WTH was that me no way and walked back to it yup sad day but in a good way now
  • robert156
    robert156 Posts: 4
    When I started to sweat getting up the five flights of stairs at uni and when stepping on the scales this year i realised i was the heaviest I had ever been. That really shocked me to do something about it. Now i can make it up all the stairs, no elevator for me!
  • Momma_Grizz
    Momma_Grizz Posts: 294 Member
    When I saw a picture of myself, standing next to my two sisters - I use to be the small one.......but the picture showed me the reality - I was the biggest. Hit me like a ton of bricks.
  • DrGeriK
    DrGeriK Posts: 61 Member
    Seeing pics of me..................plus being winded just going up stairs, are a couple of the things that made me have that ahah moment. Plus I promised my dying Daddy that I would take care of my weight (he just died 01/02/12) and I don't break my promises to my Daddy.
  • wasveganvictoria88
    wasveganvictoria88 Posts: 249 Member
    I looked at my photos from my 21st to now (23) and saw the slow progression of my double chin and wobbly arms! I lost a lot of weight when I was at uni, and when I got to my ideal weight I immedately went back to eating how I used to!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    When I struggled to get almost every shirt in my closet on. I feel so stupid admitting it now but I was so confused at first and then I realized....you let yourself gain to much weight dummy
  • arctiknitter
    arctiknitter Posts: 119 Member
    Feeling to ashamed to see people that I haven't seen in a while, and their reactions to all the weight I've gained. I feel like I lost contact with so many people from my past that I cared about, but I was just too terrified to face them. Worst feeling in the world.

  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    When my wedding pics came back. I looked so disgustingly fat. I was at 368 pounds. But I never realized how fat I was until I saw those pics. It makes me sad because that was my wedding day. I should love showing off those pics but I hated to even put them on Facebook. I have lost 90 pounds now and I have still have more to lose but I told hubby once I reach my goal, we should renew our vows and have pictures taken again. It won't be like the actual wedding but still... good enough! lol
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    I realised when i couldn't breath when i got out of the shower trying to get dried and when i got on the scale that went upto 300lbs said error
  • gettinslim123
    gettinslim123 Posts: 30 Member
    I felt horrible in all of my clothes. I had to adjust my shirts all the time pull my pant up and so on. So then I finally relized how much I hated how I looked an felt. I stepped on the scale and seen the large number of 225 pounds (revealing to me that I had gained 60 pounds). I knew in that moment that I had to do something and so I did... and here I am a year later and 50 pounds lighter :)
  • timherrmann
    timherrmann Posts: 18
    when my dr. prescribed blood pressure pills. I knew it was because of the weight...
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