Chele615 Member


  • That pineapple chicken recipe sounds wicked good!!! I will definitely have to try it out :)
  • Not that I don't cry at least once every episode, but I was crying almost nonstop last night!!! I would stop and then something else would happen and I would start all up again! haha
  • I would love to join in too! I teach high school special education (mainly kids with learning disabilities) and have been for 8 years now. I teach a couple Resource Algebra 1 courses and have Academic Support courses where we work on remediating skills to get the kids ready for all the wonderful standardized testing they…
  • February 2008 - 250+ lbs (I didn't know an exact weight until March) February 2009 - 203 lbs
  • Ooh...I would love to join. I would love to be 195 by St. Patrick's Day (so that would be a 7 pound loss)
  • I'm from Boston and we just did that yesterday too!!! The street is still a sheet of ice!
  • Turkey rollup with honey mustard Green apple Water
  • I am a teacher as well....high school special education. I usually have breakfast at home and a small snack right before homeroom. Our schedule is kind of messed up and we have homeroom after the second block of the day. Then I have lunch around 11:30 and then we're out and I'm usually home by 3:00 every day. It's nice…
  • 1) Getting my Master's Degree. 2) Getting a letter in the mail from a former student who wrote a paper about me when she went to college. They had to write about a person or event who had an impact on their lives. She chose me and I cried like a baby while reading through it. I have it saved in a sheet protector and it…
  • I used to always wear my pants baggy anyway, mainly because of the way that they would fit (baggy and big in the waist area and fit on the thighs/hips area). It was around the time that the pants would literally fall off of me. My hips wouldn't catch them and hold them up anymore. I have been getting discouraged lately…
  • I also have a larger water bottle that I keep filled at all times throughout the day. I find that I get 64 oz. at the very least and usually closer to 80 oz. of water per day just by drinking from the bigger water bottle.