

  • awww yay!! its definitely a whooooolllle different realm of working out and eating, but sooo worth it! until then keep pushing and have fun with it :) it makes it lots easier!! I would love to help you out! just lemme know what questions you have :)
  • Time out.... i am not bulky. i lift 5-6/week. i am far from being bulky at all. i am 5'3 and 133 lbs. i am a competitor. there are ways to lift and not get big. alot of that is what she is putting into her body to fuel it... if she is eating excessive amounts of carbs fats and proteins then yes she can get bigger cuz she…
  • That is EXACTLY how i felt.... it was crazy to wake up one morning and think OMG... i dont care what it takes how much i complain about eating healthy (i knew that was the hardest yet most important part) and how many excuses i could think of to stay out of the gym. I commited myself to a 4day/week bootcamp and cleaned up…