wendyco Member


  • Hey y'all, sorry for the post and drop I did. Had a terrible tooth infection and been MIA since. Now I'm bk pain free. Anyone down for a aug 7th start?
  • Hey y'all sorry for the MIA post and drop. I got a terrible tooth infection and been dealing with that. Anyone down for aug. 7 start?
  • Still here! Had to cut my rest week short since my schedule changed and now I need monday's off...so Today was day 1 of the second month....looks like I'll actually be doing insanity in 60 days instead of 63!! :)
  • I've done both....P90X is definitely strength building with minimum cardio. I did both and started around the same weight for both (different years). I got better results in strength and fat loss with insanity. I'd only would use P90X if you are trying to sculpt and are willing to do the diet plan (which is the main reason…
  • SOOO If ANYONE is reading this....question: How do you do your double workout days? ie. cardio abs & pure cardio ...or for month two peeps...fit test and workout of the day?
  • What I like about insanity is that it's YOUR workout....long as you're keeping your heartrate up and you are making sure to "work" those muscles (not just doing the moves for the sake of doing them...trust me there is a difference between just doing a squat...and DOING A SQUAT!) you'll be fine... so MODIFY MODIFY MODIFY!…
  • I don't follow the nutrition plan...too problematic for me..I tried doing 40/40/20 carbs protein fat breakdown ...but Im usually around 50/30/20 ....I still always try to stay within calories though ...even on "cheat" days
  • Thanks for replying to this! I totally don't see this comment! -_- I totally got it off a friend via a torrent... :) Hoping for asylum to get it as a gift form friends :P
  • I love this workout! :) I'm sure you'll love it! It's the best thing ever! I just doubled up today so I'd be caught up :D
  • day 22...get it!
  • I got behind again lol I'll have to switch out my rest days...so I guess today is day 16 :P
  • burpees are horrible..I'm on day 16 now....I forget what the workout is for today, but yesterday's results of the fit test were an improvement :)
  • Day 13 :) tomorrow is rest day...but today is first day of abs :) yay ...I hope I feel a burn tomorrow ;D
  • Hey most videos of the first 30 days range between 38-44 minutes...but that's with the two minutes of ads (1 minutes b4 and one minute after or so)....overall the average I'd say is 40 minutes of workout...the second half if you decide to do the max intervals are like 55 minutes...lol
  • So tired...-_- day 8 is it? maybe it's day 9 lol Pure cardio done...looking forward to thursday and no workout day!
  • where is granite falls?!!
  • Just finished Pure Cardio ...one of my fave videos...you can really notice improvement in this video! it's non-stop cardio, so the better you get, the more you do! :) Yay for tomorrow!
  • So today I did day 4 ...I'm off by one day...but I'm catching up this weekend and not taking day 7 off.. :) It's almost midnight though so nighters!
  • Yeah I was able to get it from a friend :) It's hard to shell out the money, but it's definitely a really good program..not for the faint hearted though (like if you give up easily this is NOT for you!) I JUST fnished studying so I won't be doing day 3 today I'll be a day behind and call this my day off. lol darn...If I…
  • So doubling yesterday was killer, but I may have to do that tomorrow too :*( boohoo ...I have an exam and Im not sure I will have time to do it..we'll see :( Tomorrow is a tough one to get two workouts in....unless I do them back to back?? advice?
  • That's awesome! I did a half as I finished my first round and it kinda killed my results! :P I should have reduced it to 3x a week like you did! SO I am way more out of shape than this time last year. I started at the same time last year, but with much less weight on me! I saw minimal results in the scale, maybe like 5-9…
  • I've done it before, just doing it again after a year of gaining it all back lol...I was supposed to start today but after leaving the house at 5:30 am, I have just arrived. I considered doing it now, but that would keep me up until 3-4 am ...I am doubling up tomorrow though :) Any other people checking in?!
  • how much was the workup? including body comp? what kind of test did they do?
  • Sorry fo rthe late reply! I am still doing this starting tomorrow!! :D want to do it together!?
  • added! Sorry I've been overwhelmed with exams!
  • Oh sweet! :) I always look for people from Duvall, rarely every find any...actually you're my first! lol is it okay to add u?
  • Hey! I used to live in Redmond! Now im in duvall, but spend deacon tme in redmond!
  • This is a peruvian thing, though not as good since the ingredients are US based :\ canned tuna (preferably white solid) chop red onions into small squares then add lime (probably about one whole juicy one). salt & pepper. let it sit while u open the can tunas (I use one for lunch) and prepare toast (wheat two slices) add…
  • do the polar models come with a chest strap? :\ Im confused I see some with it some without.
  • thanks everyone!! :)