Insanity 3/1/2013



  • wendyco
    wendyco Posts: 122 Member
    I've done both....P90X is definitely strength building with minimum cardio. I did both and started around the same weight for both (different years). I got better results in strength and fat loss with insanity. I'd only would use P90X if you are trying to sculpt and are willing to do the diet plan (which is the main reason you get ripped anyway) to the T.

    I like Tony's style WAY better, but there is more weight training oriented and less calorie burn. The videos are longer than Insanity, though the second half of Insanity gets slightly closer length wise to P90X.

    I don't recommend a mix of them unless you have completed one of them already. I've read hybrids really are just to amp up doing the workout cycles a second round without the bore.
  • wendyco
    wendyco Posts: 122 Member
    Still here! Had to cut my rest week short since my schedule changed and now I need monday's Today was day 1 of the second month....looks like I'll actually be doing insanity in 60 days instead of 63!! :)