

  • firstly, well done with the weight loss. I joined WW last year, and lost 22lbs. However, I lost all motivation unfortunately and put the weight back on. I re-joined when it changed to pro-points but this completely confused me. I am hoping this site is going to help me, feel free to add me and we can help each other as…
  • Thank you very much :) I am addicted to this site already and only joined this morning!! It is amazing how seeing what you eat/drink when it is written down can help.....quite scary and changes your view on things i think. I mean for instance I now have a can of Dr Pepper...did not realise it has 137cals - not good!!! x
  • Thank you all very much for your messages. Really appreciated, please feel free to add me and help me on my journey. I may not be much use but I will definitely try and help aswell :) xx
  • Hi, I am 23. I have tried several different ways to lose weight - including weight watchers and slimming world. this site was recommended to me by a friend! Only joined today but really hoping to get some help from others. Hope we can help each other :) x
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