sonamon Member


  • I have a rebounder I love! I have been doing videos off of youtube. There are also dvd's out there for rebounding, The Firm has two of them and there are also several for Urban Rebounding. Yes, you can do jumping jacks, skiing, the twist, etc. You can also use your light hand weights.
  • I am just glad my kids are grown and I don't have to deal with these issues anymore. Too many opinions on how to raise kids but it sounded like the kid was in control, dad wasn't. That being said, with my kids spankings never helped but have them stand in the corner while their favorite tv show is on. That got results, lol
  • Week one, day two. So far so good :D Going to do a 5k foamfest in March. I have never been a runner but I am enjoying it so far!
    in C25K Comment by sonamon December 2012
  • I started working with weights last year, the dvd set I used was Chalene extreme which is a 3 month program. I then progressed to Les Mills pump workouts and have been doing them for the last six months (they are also fun.) I am 53. After doing these workouts and getting into shape I started Insanity a few weeks ago and…
  • I get bored easily with dvd's also but I started Les Mills Pump in January and am still loving them. You get several dvd's with the program, a 20,30, 45 and 2 - 60 minute workouts with a bar bell and weights. You also can get in the program the Combat, Sports attack and Step workouts. It does cost a bit for everything but…
  • What doesn't kill me makes me stronger...
  • I use Tiger balm, it is awesome, it really does help.
  • Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah, it is amazing.
  • I have had mine since April and I love it. The free website that comes with it syncs with myfitnesspal so that really helps. It keeps track of steps, stairs (flights), calories burned, distance, and you can keep track of your sleep activity. The one thing it doesn't do is track your heart rate. I think it is worth the…
    in Fit Bit Comment by sonamon June 2012
  • Beachbody's Les Mills Pump is a great workout and will give you some muscle definition. I love it!
  • I have the Beachbody Les Mills Pump and I love it. You can start with the basic package and then if you like it add the deluxe kit to it (step, more weights, dvd's). It is well worth getting.