

  • Yeah, I understand. I wouldn't just give my address to joe blow... there would have to be some sort of privacy when it comes to location, etc.
  • Thanks for the link everyone. Some of the groups are really obscure. It would be great if they added this as one of the main tabs or simply make it more visible.
  • It's nice to see others interested. I say we come up with a way to do this or see about the administrators here on MFP organizing a place specifically where we can list the sizes needed, sizes available, and a way to reach each other.
  • buffalo wings slathered in sauce.... a huge platter.
  • Hi there. I was confirmed with PCOS a few months ago after finding a 'real' doctor who 'really' cared. My ultrasounds and bloodwork confirmed it. What we didn't know at the time was I'm also very insulin resistant (not quite yet diabetic but headed that way). So I started on Byetta injections to level out my insulin. Fast…
  • My husband's driving...really, really, for real....and death.