Je n'ai pas encore fait la preuve, mais je crois qu'on doit faire attention a la qualite de nourriture et pas simplement la quantite. J'essaire d'eviter du lait, du pain, et du sucre et de faire emphase aux legumes, aux fruits, et aux viandes. A la suite, on verra si c'est une regime efficace.
Franchement, je dois admettre que je suis faux francophone. Je suis americain, mais j'ai appris un peu de francais a l'ecole et puis passe deux annees en Maroc. Neanmoins, j'essaie toujours d'ameliorer mon francais et de saisir l'occasion de communiquer en francais aussitot que possible. J'espere que ca ne gene pas des…
I am trying to focus as much as possible on vegetables, fat, and protein, so a breakfast of three hard-boiled Easter eggs and a bunch of grapes seemed like a good start. We indulged the kids with some peeps and a chocolate bunny apiece, but we've been very disciplined about avoiding the sweets ourselves.
I am the forty-seven-year-old father of two girls, ages 7 and 9. I am an attorney with my own, newly-formed practice. Most of my clients are employees seeking redress after having been discriminated against on the job. Although my commute is shorter with my new job, I still spend quite a bit of time away from home, and I…
The book I am reading most actively at the moment is Phil Goulding's A Ticket to the Opera, a surprisingly and refreshingly down-to-earth guide to the fundamentals of opera with synopses of the operas most often performed at the Met. Goulding, a journalist rather than a musician, has an engaging style that belies the…
I get the fact that sometimes women just want to hang out with women. And men with men. And so long as it is not being used to deny anyone equal opportunity, it is fine with me. I think that in much of the world and most times in the past, the idea that women would become friends with men based on unsolicited long distance…
LuckyLeprachaun, now that the 1930's are back, I am glad to see that Steinbeck is not completely out of vogue!
I use GoodReads, both as a place to vent my opinions and as a resource.
Yes, although I am mindful of Mark Twain's definition of a classic: a book which everyone praises and nobody reads.
Have book will travel. That's why I love my Kindle and my Kindle apps (iPhone, Chrome browser). That's why I never need be without a book again, except maybe in the shower.
Call me Ishmael. No, seriously, I go by Bill. I tend to read a lot of history these days, and when I am not reading history, I am often reading historical fiction. I enjoy novels from just about any period, but i also read the occasional short story, play, or poem. I don't really have a favorite novelist, but my favorite…