beachlove09 Member


  • okay that makes sense. i think im just still trying to see what works best for me. i try to work out about 5 times a week but i keep seeing myself plateau... i have already lost over 30lbs and im looking to lose my last 30- im wondering if im setting my goal too high?
  • yes! im a full time student with 19 units and i have two jobs... sometimes i feel like im on the edge because i never make time to relax.. not even sure if i know how to relax anymore! my family also gets really mad when i dont make enough time for them
  • just tried yoga and i really love it. i also do the eliptical 5 times a week and pair it with strengh exercises for my arms, back, and legs. i try to do crunches everyday. i def need to find some exercises to flatten my tummy!
  • Hi, im Kt and i just turned 21! i live in LA and im looking to get more fit and in control. i have lived near the beach all my life and i love to surf and swim. i also enjoy all kinds of music and im teaching myself guitar. add me if you want to talk!
  • Hi, im KT and im a marketing and communications major. right now im in accounting, great books colloquim, introduction to marketing/advertising, principles of marketing, and communication theory ive got a full schedule but i love my major! im hoping to go to grad school and get my MBA add me if you want to talk :smile:
  • Im a college student and i live in LA- right next to the beach!!! i love surfing and swimming. im california born and raised and i have to be close to the water. I also love music and art- i play the piano, guitar, and french horn. i also sketch and paint with acrylics. add me so we can swap stories :happy:
  • yea totally agree. just gotta find a way to approach it without her thinking im trying to upsurp her as the girl's mother
  • Hi- im kt. im a college student and im looking to control not only my weight but my negative thoughts about my weight. i have lost 35lbs since the beginning of this year but i was not going about it the right way and im ready to lose the rest by being healthy! i joined MFP just a few days ago and im loving it. the support…
  • for me- learning to not binge was about learning how to make a conscious choice and stick to it. for example, a lot of times before i would eat something i considered a "bad" food- i would decide before hand that i would purge it afterwards... so what i do now is i look at the food before i eat it and actively decide to…
  • HAHA omg same thing happens at the gym at my university! we have a ton of preppy people here and the guys come into the gym (thats surrounded by mirrors) and literally watch themselves work out and smile! they even make really AWKWARD noises if you know what i mean:laugh:
  • i have had this same situation happen to me for different reasons. i feel like its best if you are really honest with him and let him know how you are feeling. he should be so excited for how well you are doing and tell him that you want to enjoy your life and goals with him- that way he knows that hes not being left out…
  • add me! i just started and am looking for a support group!
  • i think you should weigh yourself once a week in the mornings or whenever you feel most comfortable about your body. remember that daily fluctuations are normal- so weighing everyday and letting it change your mood can be really destructive- i went down that path and i let the fluctuations affect my mood each day. now im…
  • i feel like all we can do is take this with a grain of salt- unfortunately- many people are ignorant and have no idea what a struggle an eating disorder is. take their negativity and make it into fuel for yourself to help others find inner peace!
  • I definitely know how you feel. i go to a school where all the girls seem like they are super models- but truth is- no one is perfect! and once you realize how much inner beauty you have- you will no longer focus on comparing yourself to others! what i do is- every time i have a negative thought about my body- i quickly…
  • Wow! thank you guys so much! Seriously feels amazing to have support!
  • Hi. Im a college student and i have recently overcome bulimia but i am now struggling with anorexia. i am trying to lose weight the right way and gain a better self-image. i dont have any friends around me that deal with the same struggles so i am looking to find some friends who can help support me and who i can support…
  • No! i am so self concious of my body that i was afraid to even put up a pic of myself but i do surf! I live right next to the beach and I get to enjoy it each day- its one of the reasons why i want to get healthy- so that i can get stronger and not get pummeled by the waves!
  • Thank you so much for your support! not sure why but I dont know how to add friends on here! I will definitely look in the groups section. I already feel so much better even just starting on my path and knowing that im not alone!