

  • hey, thanks for the reply. Just wondering how many grams a day you take? and how would you say it has impacted on your workouts? just trying to get an idea of what to expect
  • thanks for the response, wow seems like youve had a really good experience with it am really looking forward to seeing if it works for me my biggest problem is muscle fatigue so if it can help improve that ill be happy, i think ill follow the recommended amounts and load for a week, I have creatine monohydrate but you say…
  • I do about 45 mins of cardio 5days a week before work on an empty stomach, about 20 mins running at 6mph and 25mins on recumberent exercise bike, my aim is to get my heart pounding and sweat alot! I change machines every few months to avoid plateuing, cardio is definitely overrated though ive recently started strength…
  • I think im sold on the captain morgan and diet coke!!
  • Hello! I have been using this site since nov 11 but only really logging calories as and when, I'm upping the ante now and going to get involved in all the forums and whatnot I could really do with the encouragement/support as I lodge with a pretty unhealthy family who definitely don't share my passion for fitness!! Jo
  • this is a topic I really need to be educated on as I can sit and drink pint after pint but at 200 cals a pop im can drink over a days worth of empty calories in one go!! I am going out tomorrow night and need a suggestion for a low cal drink it cant be wine or vodka and coke, or soda water or tonic I hate them all!! Feel…
  • I dont know whether this is because I am gay but most girls and guys have said I am more like a man (personality wise not looks! I hope!)
  • HEY!! im 5'10 and 154lbs my daily goal is 1,430 but i exercise most days and eat my exercise calories so usually eat 2000-2,200 most days, if I dont exercise I can just about stay within my daily goal but never feel satisfied and tend to go over a little. Seriously don't know how some people can live off 1000-1200 a day…