Weekly Goal 3,500 kcal burn Day 1 - 45 min Elliptical 536 cal burn Day 2 - 2 hours cleaning 397 cal burn Day 3 - 50 min walking 407 cal burn Day 4 - REST DAY Day 5 - 45min elliptical 536 cal burn Total: 1,876 Left to go: 1,624 Two days and 1,624 cal to burn. Uth oh!! Great job everyone!!
eekly Goal 3,500 kcal burn Day 1 - 45 min Elliptical 536 kcal burn Day 2 - 2 hour cleaning 397 kcal burn Day 3 - 50 min wall 407kcal burn Day 4 - LAZY Total: 1,340 Left to go: 2,160 Looking good everyone!!!
Weekly Goal 3,500 kcal burn Day 1 45 min Elliptical 536 kcal burn Total: 536 Left to go: 2,964 Looking good everyone!!!
I am gluten free and for the most part dairy free. My usual staples are: avocado almonds popcorn apple w/ pb (fruits in general) fruit smoothies hummus with carrots or raw peppers salads spinach eggs and bacon - I try to limit to once a week Kind - granola bars corn tortillas roasted turkey - Applegate
Congrats!!!! You are an inspiration :)
My thoughts exactly. Jealous
Thanks guys!!!!
I may give this shot. Pleas add me to group. :)
Key Largo but we are not there full time.
Bump - would like to know. I have a fruit smoothie in the morning and then I am hungry an hour later.
I am gluten free and I usually have: fruit -any / favorite is apple with peanut butter granola bar eggs bacon tater tots turkey almonds smoothies Just takes a little planning but you will get use to it.