

  • Do you just do yoga to exercise? Can you actually lose weight just doing yoga or do I need to incorporate harder intense workouts too?
    in Yoga Dvds Comment by VR82 October 2013
  • Do you know of other good power yoga dvds? Thanks for the link :)
    in Yoga Dvds Comment by VR82 October 2013
  • I've just had a look and the price difference is not huge. Which would you recommend more and why? Are they really that different? Thanks for you help :)
  • Thanks for this. I have never heard of this website but I see there are workouts and tips, etc.
  • There are many days where I've gone over the suggested protein intake and still have been hungry.
  • I am at an ideal weight, but do not want to gain any weight, I do light weights and I'm trying to focus on toning but I do want to get the maximum calorie burn from my workouts. I guess I just feel that a few extra pounds would make me happy. In regards to you comment about increasing my calories, I tend to save them for…
  • I'm not going to lie, I really don't see myself doing a clean. Thanks for your advice and taking the time to have a look at my diary :)
  • Sometimes if I get up later when I don't have work till later, I'll workout when I get up and by the I shower etc, it's close to lunch time so I log it as lunch.
  • I do workout out regulary 3-4 times a week on average (about 1 hr) on top of walking to and from work 3 days a week. I'm not overweight by any means but wouldn't mind losing a couple pounds, which I find difficult. I'm 180cm tall and weigh 65kg. It would be great if you could give me any advice. You can look at my food…
  • Why is fruit so bad to eat in the evening though? I heard this before but don't really understand.
  • You can see my food diary at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/VR82 the items where calories are just added are items I couldn't find, so I just looked on the packet.
  • You can see my food diary at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/VR82 the items where calories are just added are items I couldn't find, so I just looked on the packet.
  • Thanks, good to know there are so many hungry people in the evening. Any other healthy snack ideas? I do air popped popcorn, glass of milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, but sometimes I do crackers and cheese which is not so calorie friendly.
  • I guess it's normal but am I doing something wrong to be hungry in the evening? I try to snack regularly and eat foods that are suppost to keep you full.
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