vwchel Member


  • Welcome. I also have PCOS, dx in 2008 when TTC #1. We are currently TTC #2, feel free to add me! If you don't mind me asking, have you met with an RE to determine your protocol? I'm on Clomid and Metformin. This cycle I added Pregnitude. I'm hoping this is our month! Good luck to you!!
  • I cut back on carbs and sugar. Then I got serious about logging my food into MFP. For Christmas I got the Fit Bit, and that tracks my calories burned. I find that seeing what I eat vs what I burned is a HUGE help!
  • Hiya ladies. Broken is the best way to describe the feeling PCOS leaves. Don't lose hope. It takes Cysters longer, but it is very possible to conceive. I was dx with PCOS while TTC #1. It took 15 months until my son was conceived, and amongst the PCOS community I consider myself fairly lucky. I know people that try for…
  • I too have PCOS, dx back in 2008 while TTC #1. I have always been overweight, but it really got out of control in college, then after my wedding. Last July I realized I was at my highest ever and it was time to make a change. I met with a nutritionist and learned how to read labels. since then, I have lost 34lbs. Nothing…
  • Hello. I've been on and off Metformin or Fortamet since late 2008. On because the doctor prescribed it, off because I couldn't deal with the symptoms. Last year I finally pushed through the symptoms and found the routine that works for me. I take 4 pills a day, 2 after lunch and 2 before bed. It took me a LONG time to work…
  • Are you on the extended release? It makes a huge difference! Also, ask about Fortamet. That does the same thing but is easier on the stomach....might be more expensive though. I believe there is 1 more similar medication, Glou(something). Referred to as the "Cadillac" by dr. When I had the same complaints to the dr he told…
  • June 5th! Found you!
  • Sorry for the extra post. I'm new :embarassed:
  • June 5th, anyone out there??
  • I was dx with PCOS in 2008. I didn't get serious about the weight loss part until this past summer. I started my weight loss journey with a 1 week detox. During this week I only ate fruits and veggies. No dairy, carbs, meat, sugar, etc. Black coffee and unsweetened tea were ok. I lost 10 lbs that week. As expected I gained…
  • I took Clomid when TTC #1. I don't recall any side effects. As someone else mentioned, I was probably moody due to the stress of TTC (we were on month 15 at this point). Good luck on your next round. We're TTC #2 with Clomid this month too.
    in CLOMID Comment by vwchel January 2013
  • I take the extended release and had tummy troubles at first. I worked my way up to 4 pills a day slower than the dr suggested. I now take 2 pills after lunch and 2 pills before bed. Rarely do I have issues now, unless I eat terribly, then I know what's coming. My biggest suggestion is to cut back on carbs and fats. I know…
  • Hi Ladies. I was hoping I could join this group. I was diagnosed with PCOS around September 2008 after nearly a year of TTC with no luck. I met with an RE and by February 2009 we conceived our son with the help of Clomid and Metformin. DH and I have been TTC #2 since September. Unfortunately we haven't been able to use…