Avyon Member


  • I heard they are great! I was told once you get used to the regular ones you move onto harder moves like the monkey crawl and going backwards and such haha. I may just estimate the calorie math.. I hate doing that without knowing all the information tho :(
  • It's great to meet everyone and I'm really happy that I'm not alone haha! My name is Julie and I'm from Washington DC. Chris and I met in college up in VT. We've been together for almost 6 years now and will be married on October 13. I've been trying to get back in shape for a while now (went from a non desk job to a desk…
  • On the heels of Smarthart is you have a droid try downloading CardioTrainer which keeps track of all your exercises and even maps them out on GPS so you can go back and see which ones worked the best. They have a free version.
  • It's not my family but my coworkers sometimes! You just have to be strong and stick to your guns. Like the others I buy my own foods and prepare them at home. For the office I only allow myself to go out once a week with everyone the rest of the time its my own lunch.
  • Thank you all for posting these and for starting this thread :) It's very helpful!