mhughes0430 Member


  • Thanks for all the great ideas. Good luck to you all with your running and weight loss!!
  • I really like the idea of fruit and yogurt. I had a banana the last few days because normally I have to run in the afternoon after work so supper follows closely.
  • Good to know I'm not the only one! Eggs are definitely good... Lots of protein.
  • Thanks I will have to check that app out. I always have trouble calculating calories burned because I don't want to over estimate but I don't want to short myself either. Good luck with your running!
  • I have very little support at home. My husband works a lot and isn't home much and when he is he isn't into exercising. It would be nice to have someone to go along on walks or help when I get disgusted with the whole diet thing. I think you're right though that I'm trying too hard. I constantly think about everything I…
  • Height: 5'8" CW: 142 Tops: s-m Pants: 8 Goal weight 125-130, size 4-6 I started at 156 so I've made a little progress.