Droppinelbees Member


  • Yes exactly, I have to agree with ebony on all accounts above. Couldn't of said it better. Btw, to put some practicality to what your point above was... yes, I also just confirmed going back to healthier carbs my weight consistently went up and stayed at an additional 4lbs after losing 23lbs when I went low carb and then…
  • Water fasting is tremendous for our health. However many are ignorant in this area starting with MFP itself as it forces me to put at least 1200 calories in my diary or I can't post it. On another forum someone reported one of my posts since I started talking about beet kvass for blood pressure and cleaning both the blood…
  • You shouldn't have to pay for meal plans. I'm sure they may have something they devised for profits and if it's convenient that's fine. But going Ketogenic simply means getting most of your calories from healthy fats. The macros should look something like this: Fat 75%/Carbs 5%/Protein 20%. I'm actually breaking my 10.5…
  • Yes me as well. Let's stand firm for our health and hold each other accountable so we can maximize our results
  • Omg Charlie I'm sincerely sorry to hear that and I extremely apologize for my previous comment. And thank you for not tearing me to shreds on my previous comment. I can't even imagine how tough that must be for you. May I ask how is the health of your liver? Bloodwork will tell you if your liver is optimal. Are you taking…
  • Charlie... are you referring to acidosis that comes with ketosis? That is something that needs monitored for diabetes and medication but keto effectively reduces and eliminates diabetes but there is an acid build up that diabetes people need to be conscious and aware of and plan accordingly.
  • Great job ruthlessflower... It's a big struggle for most going through that transition but hang in there. The rewards are well worth it. YOU CAN DO IT
  • Omg Charlie that is so rediculous, extreme and unfair no disrespect. How could healthy fats like avocados, coconut oil, beef tallow, grass fed meats and wild caught fish kill you? I'd love to hear the science behind this.
  • I'm sorry but the energy these great awesome people are putting in to your posted question is nowhere close to being matched by your responded energy so it's hard to feel sorry for you. I have one of the biggest hearts out there but approaching the middle of the thread I went from feeling sorry, to feeling confused, to…
  • Desperate for encouraging, positive, supportive like minded people. Please feel free to hit me up if you are looking for the same. I'm a good friend ✌
  • Omg, thank you so much ms_smartypants. That info is much appreciated. Really looking to connect with positive, encouraging like minded people ✌
  • I don't need constant thumbs up or comments but if your on this app trying to meet whatever your goals are and your on my friends list... it just makes sense to comment here and there. I mean I want to support and encourage people. But I actually lol, just cleaned out my friends list as they are like way to quite. There…
  • Right!
  • Likewise... not everyone is the same when it comes to weightloss. Some people do great on carbs and some don't. In fact many don't due to the quality of carbs they are taking in. Many people have all sorts of symptoms due to the highly hybrid grains they are taking in, the most common being bloat, intense cravings, leaky…
  • I'm so down. I've did "low carb" and felt great. My energy sky rocketed and I had better workouts. I've already planned to transition to a Ketogenic diet after I complete my water fast. I even set it on my calender a few days ago. Should be about 1.5 - 2 weeks for me. I need proper transition time being that my metabolic…
  • Thanks for that info... I've tried it while I was in the Marine Corps a few years back because I started gaining but with the workouts I was doing, I felt horrible and I know they recommend you don't workout so I stopped the program. LOL, my wife wound up eating the rest of the food only not to waste it and was pissed so…
  • LOL @ "Tough Crowd"... I understand your frustration. I came from Dr. Oz's Sharecare where the support was magnificent. The users were great... however, my sister bugged me to try MFP. When I did, I fell in love with the site and it's design. The food database for logging had pretty much everything I needed unlike…
  • Chicken or Eggs, Spinach, and Beans... I know it sounds so tasty right lol???
  • My binge day is today and I will do close to worse than that lol. Listen, if you follow a certain way of eating, afar from what everyone else says, you can "binge". But you HAVE to eat a certain particular way. Read a book called The 4 Hour Body... this guy is amazing and I actually just lost 7.2 lbs following him in my…
  • Yep, all natural peanut butter and apple slices are another good one... I've even done it with a tablespoon of Nutella.
  • Fiber one bars are good like several had said. Also I like oatmeal because it is filling but almost threw up trying to eat it without any sugar or anything. I now put one tablespoon of Nutella in my oatmeal and it is the "bomb" snack that will keep you full and not make you gag trying to force it down.
  • Your strong and determined... take in all this advice and you'll be more than good. Don't be hard headed like your brother and try to push past your limits. With Asthma you HAVE to start slow, be consistent, and increase gradually. P said you have a track near you guys... that's a .25 miles. Try and use that as a guide and…
  • LOL I knew it would take people a few till they caught on lol. I wanted a different name since I always go with the usual. Yes yes yes, I hate cardio but do it because I have to in the military, however I love weight lifting. I learned to like this thing they call crossfit which sort of combines the two. Wow, doctors are…
  • You found one lol. I been struggling for a while and have had it up to here (can you see that lol). I was doing great but then surprised my family for thanksgiving in New York and fell off track. However, I"m back in California and I'm ready to get back on track. I just finished a spinach shake while I'm writing this and I…
  • Wow, your story is touching. I'm embarrassed to say it almost made me cry. I think I hear your struggle and can relate to it. I'm so sorry about your Mom, I truly am. My father passed from cancer- it was a brain tumor back in 1989 but I still hold that pain with me especially since he wasn't able to see all my…