

  • ALL I CAN SAY IS STEAK GORGONZOLA ALFREDO, my favorite there just looked it up for fun 1310 CALORIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS say it aint so
  • do you have a degree? what is your occupation currently?
  • You'll be fine :drinker:
  • yea i did http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/35563-newbie-p90xer stop by and say Hi ... again
  • how many slices? are you sure you stayed within your limit? Pizza is generally high in calories I think too its not just about caloric intake its what type of calories your putting in you, like comparing the same caloric intake as a slice of pizza to a Grilled chicken breast with steamed veggies which one sounds better?…
  • hey hey I just finished week 3 man P90X is awesome, I am doing the Lean workout routine anyone else doing that? I luv it :drinker: :drinker:
    in P90X Comment by Go_Duke January 2009
  • any P90xers LOVE KENPO like I do? TY WESLEY IDLE!!:drinker:
  • Holy Cheese Balls!! I lost 5.6 lbs this week!! thanks to MFP bc there were some places I was going that I thought was healthy for me but then after putting them in the system I realized they weren't Im eating much healthier thanks to MFP and my buddy list too WOOT I made Progress!!
  • my suggestion is Taylor they say they are the leaders in Digital Scales...and Mine is always accurate
  • http://www.taylorusa.com/consumer/scales/precisiontech.html I have the #7507
  • I have a Taylor from Sams Club I think it was $35 but it goes up to 330lbs and it guarantees a 0.2 lb closeness ive had mine for a yr or so and it works great
  • punish the kids by making them do p90x with u :laugh:
    in Oh oh... Comment by Go_Duke January 2009
  • did Legs and back today, I still am using the bungy thingys lol I have the max med and small bands hook tho, but the pull up bar is rated 300 lbs max and Im 318 so I dont want to try it yet its was a decent workout, lol my 3 yr old interrupted me a bit but i stayed the course, the Groucho march SUCKS and so do wall squats,…
  • is 12oo cals enough with doing p90x?
  • well if talking burns calories then I burn allot each day :P bc thats all I do all day Long is talk talk talk,
  • haha yea im usually up till 12am to 1am or so but i worked about 13-14 hrs today and Im pooped
  • Ok thanks when should i worry about starvation mode?
  • LoL hotmom alright I'm putting back in the fridge but do i have to worry about starvation mode?
  • ive had 5 small meals and still only have 1065 calories, now, I can drink an atkins advantage shake that has 160 cals in it but its 10pm at night here should I drink it? or go to bed? HURRRRRRRRRY!!
  • I would say any beachbody product but especially power 90 or power 90x they have a new one out called 10 minute trainer which looks pretty good for folks who dont have allot of time
  • I personally havea MIO www.miowatch.com its very good strapless system, the only thing ive found and its with all of them is the stop button is facing the wrist way if you wear it on your left hand so when i do pushups it tends to stop my time which is frustrating, so i wear it on my right hand, its harder to get ur BPM…
  • Power , i believe the recovery drink is about $50 for a 30 day supply but it will def make a difference in how fast you recover there are alternatives other than beachbody recovery, the one i saw was Isopure Zero carb (which beachbody does have alot of carbs) that is available at GNC and you can get it immediately versus…
  • Power, yea the first day I did legs and Back, OMG a few days after I could barely walk lol its painful but when you think about it, its a good pain..bc you know you're doing something that will change your life stick with it man, the pain does go away are you taking any type of recovery drink?
  • Thanks hotmom, yea definitely modify till ur shoulder gets better, you dont want to mess it up worse than it is, and Drea, I know what you mean :P she makes it all look so easy.:explode:
  • heading out for work, i had a small grilled chicken salad and I packed Tuna for later if I cant make it home for dinner I have atkins advantage snack bars too :) wish me luck, bc i travel allot as a sales rep I used to eat Fast food like it was going out of style ...but ive been packing lunch for a week or so...i think it…
  • hey there, Im 28 as well but LOL I dont struggle with reaching 1400, i struggle with getting down to 1400 :tongue: Im doing P90x, stop by my thread in motivation category :smile:
  • thanks for stopping by Alf, it is expensive, i bought it last year for my wife and she got RIPPED 6 pack and all then she got pregnant so she stopped so now its my turn :P
  • Hey hey, my 2nd day on the forums, i just got thru with p90x shoulders and arms ab ripper x, this is my 3rd week of the lean program Im doing pretty good on the food part, i was at my brothers this weekend and i did pretty bad, Mexican restaurant for lunch, Mmmmm Cheese Dip, and tortillas are my downfall(I can eat my…
  • just complete p90x Shoulders and arms pfewwww thats a workout:tongue:
  • thanks Shannon and FitAt47 Power, how was day 1 for u? x forum is at beachbody.com