Hey hey, my 2nd day on the forums, i just got thru with p90x shoulders and arms ab ripper x, this is my 3rd week of the lean program Im doing pretty good on the food part, i was at my brothers this weekend and i did pretty bad, Mexican restaurant for lunch, Mmmmm Cheese Dip, and tortillas are my downfall(I can eat my…
ive had 5 small meals and still only have 1065 calories, now, I can drink an atkins advantage shake that has 160 cals in it but its 10pm at night here should I drink it? or go to bed? HURRRRRRRRRY!!
Hey Gang, I just found this site last night....IT IS AWESOME! I cant believe a site like this exists, I think it will really help me stay on track with my Lifestyle Change not diet just a background I'm 6'1" 318 lbs, Ive been big all my life but a healthy big, I played football for 11yrs and just never changed my eating…