shadalku Member


  • Thnaks Lucia I get the message. Calories up to 2278 to start with. see how that goes for a month and then maybe higher ...
  • thanks to everyone for their thoughts. I have put my calories up to 2278 - here goes...
  • Thnaks Cyrstal to be clear - did your BMF show you burnng 1000 less than the Scooby estimate (2300 as opposed to 3300)?
  • thanks Grimm. I think I will do as you suggest and give a few weeks
  • Thnaks Elly I guess I will have to get my mind around eating more, which is strange because the reason I was over 300lbs was because I had no problem eating (and drinking) lots. Worried about undoing all my hard work to date. I will look at the sticky you suggest. The insurance company see me as a high risk and given how…
  • thnak yo for posting this. Using this I come up with a tdee -15% of 2726!!! Not sure I can believe I can eat his and still lose.
  • thanks for this. This calculator has a similar issue for me - it uses 3-5 hours moderate exercise of 5-6 strenuous or 7+ hours strenuous. I do over 7 hours exercise a week but not all of it I would class as strenuous - probably 4 hours strenuous and 3-5 hours moderate. Using the 5-6 hours as a middle goound I get a…