

  • Wow, thanks for posting this! I agree with previous comments that you are obviously a very shining, confident person both before AND after. But those after pictures are absolutely amazing! You look 10 years younger! Fantastic job, keep up the great work!
  • I was just wondering about avacado recipes today; I've put it on sandwiches but was wondering what else I could do. Thanks for the posts guys!
  • I don't have any of the DVDs either. Sometimes I wish I could afford them, haha. But really all you need is the great outdoors! And I go to the gym and practice martial arts on a daily basis. It's possible! I really want to do this but I'm going to be spending a few days moving and I don't know what my eating/work out…
  • This seems... intersting. I'll have to try it. Thanks for sharing!
  • "In a staggering feat of twisted logic, lawyers for Coca-Cola are defending the lawsuit by asserting that 'no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage.'" ...... I actually lol'd... That's a really frightening statement though, when you think about it.
  • This sounds fantastic! I'll have to try it in a few days!
  • I'm definitely a metalhead, most of the classic rock/metal I listen to gets me pumped but when I'm working out, I try not to listen to it too much that I stop enjoying it. Music with good beats/certain lyrics get me pumped, so I do listen to some hip hop/rap when I'm working out. Right now my playlist is primarily softer…
  • Thanks for sharing this book, like everyone else that came to this thread I'll be sure to check it out :)
  • This board deserves a bump! Great job to those that have been sticking to it! Keep up the great work, every day counts!
  • This is on the right track, but I've always done it from a different angle--I'll exercise even more/harder than usual when I know I'm going to be going to a restaurant or drinking later that day. Of course I try to adjust my food consumption accordingly as well, but I'm just one of those exercisers I guess. I just prefer…
  • I had to click on this one! (Maybe I can make some tall friends!) I'm 5'10" and normally weigh 140. I'm currently at 147 due to some diet issues haha. My pants size is usually 7-9ish but I recently bought some pants that were size 6? I don't know, I don't get it. I'd like to be at 130-135. Everyone guesses I'm 120 and I…
  • I agree, I think these are great. I'm glad I just came across this, I basically had no other choice today at lunch than to eat unhealthy food and I felt like just going home and giving up for the day, but now I think I'll hit the gym and dojo even harder and be prepared to keep it up tomorrow!
  • What she said! I'm getting back into the swing of eating healthy again as well. It's really not that hard once you get into it--you feel much better about yourself, you're more energized, and you look better! It's a great overall lifestyle change--don't think of it as a temporary, negative thing.
  • I'm just getting started with the online thing here, and I think having someone to check up on me--and someone to check up on!--would definitely help :) Right now my eating habits are terrible, haha. It would be nice to have people to help keep me in check.