

  • welcome :drinker: and good luck on your journey dude. Not an easy one but its so worth it at the end. :glasses:
  • Hi Ladies :) I want to lose 50-60 lbs....can I still be a part of your support group? I really could use it....and from reading your posts I really love your strengh and energy! ~ Vanessa
  • Ya I know my goal is probley set alittle higher then I can do but thats just how I am, gets me more motivated haha. But ya I completely changed my diet threw out things I dont need and restocked at costco full of healthy more nutritional things that will suit me better. Plus counting calories on myfitness pal. So far lost…
  • Whats going on my fellow dudes. Just started this myfitness pal stuff and glad to see Im not the only guy on it haha. My goal weight to be at is 200 from 290 by the end of the summer. I use to play football so It should be kind've easy to lose it :glasses: my biggest problem is my addiction to chocolate :laugh: