tigga39 Member


  • Here's another couple of sites I use. They're not strictly paleo. More ketogenic. Have a look x http://markmaunder.com/2012/07/22/the-basic-ketogenic-diet/ http://www.ketogenic-diet-resource.com/low-carb-food-list.html
  • Hi, I've been kind of paleo for a month. I do eat cheese and heavy cream though so not just olive oils... I also eat butter. My ratios are more like 20g carbs a day ( have a look at my food diary - it's open to see) I think your carbs are too high... And don't eat too much protein either - it will convert. Have you looked…
  • Thank you so much. I did find marks daily apple! I'm not going to give up anyway. And maybe I'm weird but I don't have any carb cravings. To be honest I don't particularly like potatoes, rice or pasta anyway and I don't have a sweet tooth... It's only the red wine that I miss a little. I shall persevere. Thanks again x
    in Ketogenic Comment by tigga39 April 2013
  • Thanks, I do find it hard to eat first thing in the morning though....and initially I did do this. It's only the last few days that I haven't. I think I've messed my system up with previous diets etc. And I'm no spring chicken anymore. Are my expectations too high at 50? argh
    in Ketogenic Comment by tigga39 April 2013
  • New Rules of Lifting for Women Yes got that book....tho it's a hard read. Can't get it. I shall pick it up again and try to make sense of it... Thank you :smile:
  • Hi, I am in the same boat and have put just a little more than a stone back on since Christmas. I was on track till Feb this year and then my daughter was rushed to hospital with type 1 diabetes.... Since then I have been so intensely concentrTing on her that I've had no time to exercise until recently. And as we all know…
  • Fabulous website.... I hadn't realised more weight and less reps would be better. Thank you... I will continue to browse this website. Any more advice would be truly appreciated x