Going to the one in Sydney in 3 months!
Hello, fellow Australians and Central Coasters! Woy Woy, Central coast resident here! Just started 30DS and beginning to run around the block! Not actively keeping a food diary, but looking after my food intake nontheless. Feel free to add me :)
Heya, just started 30 day shed about half an hour ago. Had to use filled water bottles instead of weights, due to me starting on a whim. Will hopefully get some weights on Monday. Have to say, this was brutal! I was able to do most of the advanced techniques (Minus the pushups) and felt like killing Jill Michaels half way…
River, Tennant, Jack and Donna are the awesomest people! Not a bit fan of 11 or Amy though. DoctorDonna was an amazing character. I was sad to see her go. Youtube "David I've Got Cake" David Tennant and John Barrowman! -So funny!
The only Martial Art know that caters for Distance training is OIKA. The main branch is in Australia, but there are few dojos in USA. With it, you get DVDs that instruct you how to do the techniques, and once in a while you send a video of you…
Yea, got the same problem. Overate by 250calories today. Hoping to do more exercise tomorrow to make up for it.
Lost 1kg since last week (2.2lb) :D ohg - 79.7kg (175.3lb)/ 78.0 (171.6 lb)/ 74.7kg (165 lb) - LOST 1.7 KG! (3.9 lbs)WOOT! Cuddlyrunner - 94.8kg(209 lb)/ 94.8(209)/89.8kg (198) HealthyJess - 76.4kg (168 lb)/ 75.9kg(167 lb)/ 71.4 (157 lb) Becxox - 85.4kg (187.9 lb) / 85.4kg (187.9 lb) / 79kg (173.8 lb) Karin1234 - 69.8(154…
Wii Fit or Mario Kart Wii
Hey, I'm Anastasia from Central Coast (Sydney-ish area) Nice to meet you all!
I'm up for it as well. Want to lose 10-12 kilos before New Years (Hopefully).