Bhatfield07 Member


  • I've never done pictures on here but congratulations. You have done a great job!
  • Thank you for this. I needed it today and especially now as I'm about to go to a family get together for my brother-in-law's family. They won't be here for Christmas. I really appreciate the kudos. Congratulations to you as well.
  • That is amazing! Great job! My measurements are very close to yours and I hope I make the same progress. You are an inspiration.
  • Everyone has done such a wonderful job. So inspiring! I can't wait to post my after pics someday.
  • First off, congratulations on losing 20 lbs!! That is great! I'm just starting out but when I quit smoking (it is working for weight loss too) and have cravings I would find something to do with my hands and to distract me. Not watching television but normally something I need to keep clean like writing (I don't eat when I…
  • I love this!! I want to be able to run a 5k. And go up and down stairs fast without feeling like I'm going to collapse at the top or break them on the way down. I want to run and play and ride bikes with my daughter for longer than 5 minutes. And not insist on the first pew in church 'cause when we kneel in the other pews…
  • Thank you all for replying. Several of you mentioned exercise and I haven't started yet. Not really. Walk away the pounds and I went on vacation and walked ALOT. Other than that nothing. (Hangs head in shame.) I decided to go ahead and make a doctor's appointment mainly to see what my cholesterol and all that is and since…