

  • How tall are you?
  • I'm 5'8" and my ideal weight is 150 BUT, I'd settle for 155-160. That's what I was in High School but because I was so damn tall, I didn't realize I wasn't fat. All the other girls were size 6 and the such. I didn't realize it was because they were so much shorter than I was.
  • the worst thing to do is try to eat healthy around the holidays. The boyfriend said to me, "Why would anyone want to start dieting around the holidays?" I said, if I wouldn't have started when I did, I'd be 15 pounds heavier now! I'm down 19 pounds, I made it through the holidays. I need to start adding some exercise now…
  • I dumped my MFP friends because they are all about themselves. Except one nice lady. Otherwise, they have enough friends and don't have time for any others. I'm going it alone! Lone Wolf!