

  • I am well over 45, I am 62, but have the same needs and wants. have been on MFP for awhile. Slipped over the holidays. I was going to curves 4 days a week. Have lost 27 inches total and 17 pounds. Now that the new year has started I know I need that push or like you said that kick in the butt. I am a pretty good healthy…
  • I don't eat much sweets, but occasionally chocolate cake sounds yummy. I sure am going to try this Thanks
  • I started out a 24 pants and 3x shirt. am down to a22 pants and 2xshirt. I know it is not going to be easy but I want to get t size 18 and then go from there.... good luck to all add me if you like
  • you can ue almost any kind of veggie, puree and mix with turkey. The water in the veggies help with moisture and it tastes good and you get your veggies too. I have tried carrots and celery together and separate. Both are good... GL finding the one you like best . I have used fresh or ground sage and also oragano
  • congrats!! Doesn't feel great knowing your heading in the right direction, I go to all the thrift stores. I refuse to by new clothes. Getting to that point again to go clothes shopping. Can't wait until I get to those teen jeans:smile: