

  • i meant 4th december of course haha
  • also here is a link to a group that i have joined in which everyone is going to start the 30 day shred on monday (4th nov) if you are interested in joining. I only tried out Level 1 today to see if I could actually do it! haha
  • I tried the 30 Day Shred for the first time today too, and I really enjoyed it (although I had to have a 5 minute break in the middle!) but I don't have any weights either. I went to the kitchen as I have heard you can use a tin of beans too but they are so light I didn't think it would be worth it, so I found some litre…
  • I have heard really good things about the 30 day shred and I really want to do it. I am a student though and I can't afford to buy the DVD, are the videos on YouTube or somewhere online? And is it too late to join this challenge?