

  • Good luck and I hope you achieved day 1 binge free! Breaking the cycle is the important thing. If you keep doing something it becomes a habit and the brain sends signals to continue the habit. To change that you have to break the habit and form a new one- I find the science behind it all interesting, all to do with…
  • Thanks for the advice and words of support! been fine the past couple of days. Today I craved choc but I thought it could send me off and make me bingey so I sat with the craving and it passed in about 20 mins. today I feel like I've eaten totally normally and I love that. It feels good and I wish every day was like that.…
  • Isn't this all so hard? I know how you feel. im with you there blackpup the more I diet/restrict/obsess the more I binge! Moderation is the key and the aim I guess! good luck x
  • Thanks black pup thats exactly what I intend to do. Isnt it funny how we can lose tune with our bodies so easily? Eating healthily when you want to be healthy should be and sounds so easy! Hmmmm....x
  • Thank you for your advice! I'm in the UK and I didn't think we have those sorts of facilities. I did try cognitive therapy and I've had counselling but neither helped a great deal. It's nice to have your support and encouragement; I appreciate that. I hate binge eating; it has spoilt many things in my life over the years…