cslottje Member


  • Thank you so much for sharing! It is wonderful seeing pictures but the stories of internal changes really inspire me! It was so enjoyable to read about your confidence! :flowerforyou:
  • Congratulations! You look amazing but even better are the changes you are making on the inside! I am so happy that you have grown in your relationship with Christ. You are really making life changes that will stick with you forever!
  • Seeing a picture of myself from my master's graduation and looking huge in a graduation gown! Not even like a regular graduation gown but a master's that goes almost to the ground and has a giant hood that goes past the butt and it's black! How is that even possible!?
  • Wow what a list! My favorite recipe is a dark chocolate special k shake and 1 frozen banana --> Its close to the best tasting chocolate shake ever and it has enough protein to keep you full for the morning.
  • Hi all! I'm started today..6 hours down and still going strong-haha. I'm looking for some motivation and maybe a challenge as well. I just ordered a Fitbit and would love someone to compete with on there! Add me
  • Hello! My name is Christie. I've just started the 17 day diet today. I like that the diet is lower carb but still allows lots of veggies and fruit, not just fats. I would really like to lose 50 pounds by this time next year. I need help with the motivation part-that's always my downfall! I plan on keeping up my running…
  • I've just started the 17 day diet today. I must say it is very difficult going low carb after all those sweets these last few days, I have a slight headache. But I am still very excited, I know quite a few people that have lost a lot of weight using this plan. I also like the idea that there are lots of veggies and fruit…
  • Yay for you for quitting! I recently quit as well, 2 weeks ago, although I had cut back to several a day before then (just had to wait for a break from school to throw the habit for good). I'm sure my symptoms were not nearly as severe as yours so I will not claim to understand exactly what you are going through. My key…