

  • I use shakeology. and I LOVE IT. And I have since become a beachbody coach after seeing great results with TurboFire and Shakeology- recently started Insanity. I love shakeology because it is all natural, contains all the necessary vitamins and nutrients I need (I got rid of all the vites I used to take everyday because I…
  • I have PCOS also, I was diagnosed 2 years ago and started Metformin. I changed my diet briefly to low carb and sugar free, but it was very difficult for me- so I basically just modified my normal diet- limiting sugars and carbs and cutting out soda, etc. With this modification coupled with the metformin therapy I lost 50#.…
  • I have the insanity program DVDs that were burned for me. I have been doing them here and there- but I don't know what the actual regimen is supposed to consist of. Can anyone fill me in on how I should do the program correctly? Thanks!!
  • I am a little late, but I'd like to join! I will start today 11/3/2010 (short week, but I will push to do as much as I can) Goal: 360 minutes of moving/week! :)
  • The total body water percentage for women should be around 51%, this might seem like a lot, but lean muscle mass contains 75% water, body fat contains 25% water, bone 22%. For men, total body water percentage should be about 55%. In addition to this: Body fat percentage is important to monitor.. For women: Ages 20-40--…
  • Hey there- Sounds like you may have PCOS- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and had similar symptoms- weight gain of almost 40lb in less than a year, as well as other symptoms. Let me know how you make out with your blood tests, and friend me if you would like- I was diagnosed end of July and…
    in Hi =) Comment by brieski24 November 2010
  • If you can talk during your cardio workout youre not working hard enough!!!! Thats my rule of thumb!!! Also- you can try to mix up your structured work outs (kickboxing, etc) with different cardio like interval training.... For example Monday: I do 30 minutes of interval training on the stair tredmill (This means every…
  • And, yes, squats and lunges are very bad for the knee esp when it's aggravated. I recently injured my knee during a Les Mills' body combat class, have an MRI scheduled for Friday- thinking torn meniscus... no impact training for me until then... ( I ran last night because it was so nice outside here in upstate NY, and it…
  • Stu- I really like that sample work out schedule for p90x... I did about 45 days of it last year, but i think breaking up the strength training with running versus plyos (even though I LOVE that disc) would def be better for my knee. Thanks! I'm going to give it a try.. and see if I can make it the whole 90 days this time!
  • Yes, coffee is fine... Try and drink decaf all the time with skim milk and splenda! If you need the caffeine to stay alert, etc. then try decreasing it to one cup instead of two.
    in coffee Comment by brieski24 October 2010
  • Good Morning- I'm weighing in today at 201 pounds! (38.9% body fat)
  • I am a registered nurse working in an emergency room in Upstate NY and I also work on an ambulance as an EMT. I am the proud "mommy" of two beautiful boxer puppies :-p Im engaged to be married to my best friend next October- he is an advanced paramedic working for two different ambulance corps! :) We love emergency…
  • 202.6 this morning :( Time to get down to business, yesterday was a stressful day @ work and I caved on my calorie intake! Today... starting fresh! Back to my PCOS diet and drinking water, water, water!!!!!! Goal by XMAS- 175! Reward- TBA! :-p
  • I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS as well, I have never take a birth control because they always cause really bad adverse side effects, to the point where I get really crazy, depressed, etc. I am taking metformin 500mg twice a day for the PCOS, and I've lost about 10 pounds in the last 2.5 months (thats when I found…
  • Can people still join?? If so I want in!!
  • I am a nurse, and yes, in some instances/medical illness diet restrictions are key to survival and living an optimal level of health. However, you're right moderation is key. It is important to eat a variety of foods including fruits, veggies, proteins, and grains. Losing weight is a good thing, but you have to do it the…
  • Hey there, welcome. I also recently found out that I have PCOS. I have put on about 40 pounds in less than a year, lost my period, and a mess of other symptoms, when I finally decided it couldn't all be stress I went to the doctor and they found my insulin level and testosterone levels were sky high- thus, PCOS. I, too, am…
  • any suggestions? Ive been eating okay.. much better (MUCH MUCH BETTER) than i did before beginning this program... and I've been exercising... Im finding I have a hard time making myself eat healthy- what can i do to avoid temptations!?