

  • Way to go! Keep up the good work! You look great!
  • G'day! I am not an Australian but I am living in Brisbane. I am interested in Raw Food and general health!
  • After lots of research and probably not enough prep I finally started my raw food journey today! Glad to see there is a "community" for this within myfitnesspal.
  • For low fat solutions I would suggest fruit and dates (LOTS of fresh fruit). Or for healthy fats, seeds and nuts. There are many recipes out there for things like 'bliss balls' which are seeds/nuts/dried fruit, and while they are still raw and healthy they are very high in calories as well. Also anything with avocado.…
  • Hi! I am very interested in Raw foods (similar to Blissfulyoga). I have just gone fully raw for the month of Feb to get me jump started. I would love to hear any information/support/encouragement y'all have on the subject. I eat a healthy diet already (just a bit too much of it) and am now trying a raw food diet for some…