

  • Thursday May 10 Addiograsso (Deneen) - 4 AngieSchaible - 6 btanton27- 6 Colleen (Smudjie) - 2 DEVLe -9 (sorry didn't post yesterday to busy to but did workout) Dounia - 9 Evelynandchris - 7 Fit_2012- 3 Glittersoul - 7 Hearts - 7 Jill (PJilly) - 8 Jmcconnell345 - 6 Jokersrs - 6 Jovz10 ~ 8 Kelli (daisy51981) - 0 Keri - 6…
  • I've lost 4 pounds since I started this challange! :D
  • I know exactly how you feel. I am currently in the same position and that's why I joined this program. All of my friends are in pretty good shape. I'm not saying I'm obesse but I do want to get a little more toned and fit. They say I don't need to lose weight and I'm wasting my time but I just want to be able to go to the…