taisaac Member


  • I pray continued good health for you. Your post is an inspiration and a testament to how God can bring us from very rough times and bring us out on the other side in a new mind, spirit, and body. Thank you for sharing your journey. God bless you!
  • I am re-starting my weight loss journey since receiving a pre-diabetic diagnosis. I gained about 20 pounds in 2020. My Mom passed and so much was going on with the pandemic. I was eating and not exercising. I had a lot of stress in my life. Thankfully, I am beyond those days. I am working on sticking to the calorie burn…
  • Hello, I am Trina. I turned 53 on the 22nd of this month. I am tired of trying to go through this journey alone. I really need support and would like to be support for others. I want to see my blood numbers in a more desirable range. I want to get healthier and stay that way. As well, I would love to put on a little black…
  • I, too, am having trouble finding friends and motivation. I would really like accountability partners. I am working on learning how to add friends.
  • So, I agree that making small goals one at a time is the way to go. How about starting with your water intake and 5-15 minutes of exercise every day. If you've done something for a month, you have formed a habit. I have a wonderful recipe that I use for a meatless meal.https://loveandlemons.com/bean-recipes/ It's super…
  • Looks good! How much is a serving size?
  • Yep! I'm the same way on the weekends. On Fridays I normally take my son to Burger King in the mornings as a reward for us getting out of the earlier than normal. I get a sandwich as well. Today, I made a choice to not to have the sandwich. I went to work and bought a raisin bagel with strawberry cream cheese and a strip…