GreenMantle Member


  • I am so, so, so sorry for your loss. I can't say that grief ever stops, but it will dull over time. That's hard to hear and hard to believe, but just know that it won't always hurt quite this bad. I can tell you I started exercising (15 minutes of moderate to vigorous cardio and 10,000 steps, nothing insane) to lose…
  • Overnight oats! I do 1/4 cup quick oats, 1/2 cup plain kefir (it's a kind of pourable yogurt if you're not familiar- you can get it anywhere,) 2 tablespoons of sugar free jelly (any kind) and a tablespoon of almond butter. :)
  • I definitely over-log. I don't weigh my food and I'm not ever likely to (not practical for me in the long run,) so if I'm going to have 1/2 cup yogurt I log it as 3/4ths of a whole cup.
  • Mine is 1790- adding you now :)
  • I (usually!) do "overnight oats," 1/4 cup quick oats and 1/2 cup kefir. You mix them up overnight, and you can flavor it anyway you want, fruit, nuts, nut butter, some folks put chia. It's easy and really, really good :)
  • Sometimes that's the power of making your own. With stuff like brownies, you can probably cut the calories down significantly by cutting/substituting the sugar and fat.
  • While plenty of folks here are right and you might start seeing better results by being more diligent in calorie counting (you can use the MyFitnessPal app for that, the feature is awesome!) it really is sort of concerning that you were sick for so long and that inexplicable weight gain resulted from that. Do track your…
  • For the first time ever, I exercised through it (this last time, earlier in the month). Granted, I use a recumbent stationary bike so its not like there's a lot of up and down movement, but beforehand I drank a lot of one of my favorite "time of the month teas" and it really seemed to help with bloating and general…
  • Hi! I'm 5'1 and between 150 and 148- my scale's on it's last leg, so I guess at some point I'm going to need to get one that works :/ If you're looking for an indoor exercise method (I live in Houston where it's typically too hot to work out outdoors, so sort of the opposite of your problem) I am seriously loving my…
  • Looks like you're doing great so far! I have a strange suggestion- add more healthy fat to breakfast, instead of just doing a shake (though those Atkins shakes are pretty darn good, aesthetically and stat-wise). I've noticed that incorporating eggs, some kind of nut butter (not reduced fat) or yogurt tends to keep you…
  • Thanks for sharing, dude. That is so awesome. Way to go, and thanks again boosting everyone's confidence :) You look great!
  • First off, I'm looking at your profile pic, and you are LOVELY, regardless of what anyone says. I've been dumped by a longtime boyfriend too, so I know that ultimately this is hard to hear right now and it may not penetrate fully, but not only do you need to not date someone so superficial, you need to erase that kind of…