RuninGirlCas Member


  • I do not like the texture of GU either, it really grosses me out. When I need a sugar boost during a race I like to have a few sports beans (jelly belly makes them). I'm also like you that I don't like runnin on a completely empty stomach. I usually just have a piece of toast with the jelly on it. If its a race morning I…
  • I feel like I have failed. Although I do feel more fit and strong my weight number hasn't really budged. Which is okay but signing on every day and seeing how much progress people have made some times can be discouraging.
  • I have kyphosis/scoliosis but did not have surgery. If you are not getting surgery are you wearing a brace? You should start doing any and all exercises to strengthen your back and all the supporting (areas...legs, butt, core). Wearing that brace all day leads to weak muscles. I would also recommend some yoga for the pain…
  • I think you got it right. Portion control! Also remember just cause its on your plate doesn't mean you have to eat it. Try not to beat yourself up if you go over your plan, it is just one day.
  • I can understand the binge eating problem. For me its completely emotional. Usually if I'm that upset there's no stopping me from starting. So for me its about acknowledging what I'm doing while I'm doing it. I look that chip in the face and saying you may taste delish you will not make me feel better. But try no to beat…
  • Congrats on training for your first race! I agree with everyone else do not try to squeeze in more miles just keep doing light runs. You wouldn't want to injure yourself right before the big day. The adrenalin and excitement of race day will help, I promise. Good luck!