

  • Yes, I did meet his wife. Many times. Never his kids though.
  • I do feel like a selfish brat when I get stressed about being #2. It seems like many women in my situation find themselves feeling like that a little bit though. Have a I though to myself "Wow... weekend with your kids AGAIN?!" Of course. But, obviously, in my logical mind, it makes me happy to know I am with someone who…
  • Thanks everyone! I printed your tips. I'm getting excited!
  • I feel ya... you just have to be ready. I find that if I get to the point where I am unhappy with my weight, I find the motivation. My biggest problem comes when I meet goal, I start slipping back into old habits.
  • Hi, Jessie! I have been in the same boat. Up until a couple years ago, I was in the same size 4 jeans I wore in high school. I'll be 28 next year, and I can't believe my body has changed so much! I have done weight watchers, fitness classes, etc. I've lost the weight and then gained it back. I need to start looking at…
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