Sticking with it *hopefully*

Well here it goes...I am 28 years old. My whole life I was blessed with being skinny. I varied between a size 3 and 5. At one point, I was even a size 0. I know most people hear that and think "then whats the big deal now?!" I had my first child when I was 23 years old. After that, I never lost the weight I gained. Then I had my second child at at 27. I am at my highest right now at 165. I am a short girl, only 5'2". Needless to say, all this extra weight does not look good. Any time I talk to someone about my weight, they tell me "165?! I would love to weigh that!" Yes, but you aren't as short as me, therefore 165 on you would be a healthy weight, but for me, it is borderline obese. I have gone back and forth on dieting since I had my son. I can never stick with it. I'll last about 3 weeks then I fizzle out. I just need to have people help keep me motivated. I need to lose a good 30 lbs, and the only way to do that, is to stick with my dieting and exercising. So there is my quick story. I'm really enjoying these boards so far, there is LOTS of motivation!


  • rcrews4
    rcrews4 Posts: 46 Member
    I am with ya, sending a friend request! let's do it
  • Def! I would love to have people to talk to about my goals, struggles and everything else!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Welcome to the site! Friend request sent!
  • Hi, Jessie! I have been in the same boat. Up until a couple years ago, I was in the same size 4 jeans I wore in high school. I'll be 28 next year, and I can't believe my body has changed so much! I have done weight watchers, fitness classes, etc. I've lost the weight and then gained it back. I need to start looking at foods not for the "points" or "carbs" or whatever other gimmick is out there and just start counting calories in... calories out. Sending a friend request, and I hope that I'll make other friends on here too!
  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome! I'm 5'2" also and started last year at around 160 lbs, now at 132. You can do it! This site is wonderful.
  • Thanks for all the friend requests! I can't wait to form relationships and get to work on this weight loss!