

  • Eponine7 My sis is a nurse so I completely understand your stress. More power to you for doing such a hard job. I have so much respect for nurses. Well I worked out for like 45 minutes. I said "well if I don't do it today, then I won't do it tomorrow." You know how that goes. I ended up doing circuit 3 on the 30 day shred…
  • I don't dance it scares my kids. LOL I don't have much rhythm.
  • I mostly do things like the 30 day shred or other videos of that nature. I try to do circuit training. I wanted to run but the weather here isn't being very friendly. Windy and very rainy. I will suck it up and work out a little. I know I should . :)
  • I have large calves as well. It's something I have come to embrace. No matter what I do they are always big. When I run a lot they just get bigger. I have tried calf raises and other various exercises and they just stay the same. I haven't found anything to work. Just embrace them. :smile:
  • I think it depends on how accurate you are and how consistent. One day it told me I was going to weigh 136 and the next 144. Keep your head up and you will achieve whatever goal you have set for yourself.
  • My bf loves eating fast food. I used to love it LOL. Well I did buy that book "eat this not that." I found it helped a lot. Basically stay away from anything fried. The salads are not always the best option either. They put all kinds of hidden calories and fat in them. KFC at least offers grilled chicken. For me the…
  • I am 5'2 and weigh 148. I am trying to lose about 20 pounds by my birthday in may. With the support that I have been receiving on here I believe it is possible. Everyone is so amazing so far. I am sending a friend request as well.
  • Once upon a time I had like 10% body fat. Way, way back in the day. I worked out for like 2-3 hours a day. I was running half marathons. It was also before I had my daughter. When I was that thin you could literally see every muscle in my stomach. I am no where near that now. I would probably get tested again.
  • I am almost in the same boat. I started about 3 weeks ago. I got a real eye opener I normally weigh anywhere between 128-38. Well I stopped working out and my clothes stopped fighting. I went to the doctor on Monday and they said I weighed 148. I haven't weighed that much since after having my daughter. I decided it was…