Raynamg36 Member


  • I would recommend that you try Leslie Sansone's Walk At Home DVD's. That's right! She has so many to choose from off her website and the prices are under 20 bucks (at least they were 2 years ago when I first bought them). I started using them last year during the summer when it was to hot and humid outside and wanted to…
  • I'm 5"1', 36 years old, currently at 153 pounds. My goal weight is 130. Since I'm now in my late 30's, I don't want to get to skinny, I want to look healty. If I look and feel good at 130 then I stay and manage the best I can. If I think that I need to loose more, I'll try for and between 125 - 127 pounds. :wink:
  • Just take it one day at a time. We all have bad days, don't beat yourself up about it. Enjoy the moment and move on from there. :wink:
  • Hi. I'm new to this web page and already am feeling better about using this site to keep track of my eating habbits and my exercise routine! Most of the time I am on track with what I eat and my exercising, but when it's that of month, I totally loose control! For us females, most or all of you know what I mean. I do have…