

  • Ok question was this weigh in number 2 or number 1? I see some people put down #1 and some put #2
  • So I did weigh myself yesterday but was busy till now. I was a little upset when i got on the scale. At the start i was doing really good in the middle had a few bad days then got back into it. this week I am going to push myself into staying focased on my goal, so I can do better on the next way in. Start weight was: 202…
  • I also am doing the T25. how do you like it? I love it so far.
  • Hi my name is Debbie, I am 25 and a mother of two beautiful little girls, I work part time and also have a couple home business, After i had my second daughter i have become very lazy and have no energy, then a friend of mine interduced me to shakeology and the first day i tryed it i felt that i had more energy and felt…
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