

  • I buy 30 to 31 jeans at Forever 21 and I'm between a size 12-14 at regular stores because I have big thighs. If you fit into the size 30 and it's still kind of roomy, you're probably between a 10 and 12.
  • This has been an awesome post. I really believe in the 30-day photos. My friend and I were doing it weekly on our weekly weigh ins and we decided 30 days was a better, less discouraging time-frame. We can absolutely see the changes going on with our bodies. Consequently, the scale is still dropping because our routines…
  • Keep it UP! It's a GREAT tool! Very motivational too. Don't give up!
  • Well I'd first like to say congratulations on taking this next step to weight loss and happy living!!! *Hand Clap* Last week after watching a tv show, I decided I needed to lose my Post-Military weight. I have no children and my weight gain has been filled with excuses, laziness, and quick fix, diet solutions that don't…