

  • Whole grain thin spaghetti with sauce made from hunt's tomato sauce and diced tomatoes. Don't add any sugar to the sauce. Use baking soda to cut the acidity. Spaghetti has a lot of carbs, but whole grain has a lot of fiber which will fill you up quicker. Best part is you'll be making homemade sauce and it freezes well to…
  • Do not count anything with caffeine as your water. This is why. Caffeine is a stimulant which increases your heart rate and metabolism in turn using more water. Only count your water as water and drink at least 64 ounces. If you eat a lot of salt or sweat a lot, drink a lot more water. You can only have too much water if…
    in Water Comment by rdewitt1 April 2012
  • Bee pollen works really well as an appetite suppressant. Just do some research on it and make sure it is good for you. Be ready to drink tons of water with it, though.
  • I have them, but they completely ruin my weight loss for the week. You are going to have them, but I wouldn't give them to yourself as a reward. You're giving too much power to food if you do. The only way they should be a reward is if you work hard enough to cancel out those extra calories. Mine make me feel more guilty…