Looking for Meal ideals for me and family

allaboutnik Posts: 1
edited December 2024 in Introduce Yourself
the toughest part about my weight loss journey is figuring out what to make for dinner. I have a family and I don't want to cook separate things for them because I am on a "diet". I feel like we eat the same things all the times. Would love some meal ideals that everyone would enjoy that is not to high in calories. I save up most of my calories for dinner so I can eat with the family. Any suggestions?????


  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member

    I have tried several recipes from there and they have all been kid and hubs approved!
  • rdewitt1
    rdewitt1 Posts: 5
    Whole grain thin spaghetti with sauce made from hunt's tomato sauce and diced tomatoes. Don't add any sugar to the sauce. Use baking soda to cut the acidity. Spaghetti has a lot of carbs, but whole grain has a lot of fiber which will fill you up quicker. Best part is you'll be making homemade sauce and it freezes well to save for later. If your family has to have meat at a meal, make some small lean ground turkey or beef meatballs, don't cook the meat in the sauce. Then you can have as little of meat as you want in yours and the growing ones who need more protein and calories can have extra, and you can drain the fat from the cooked meatballs which you can't do if it is already in the sauce.
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