bhall33 Member


  • No I just drink a protein shake first, and then drink my juice about 20 mins later.
  • I definitely don't use it as a meal replacement. It should be to supplement what ever else you are eating. Just think of it as juice (although thats what it is) Eat your lunch have a juice, eat dinner don't forget your juice. You will eventually find a good mixture you love and you will have no problem drinking them. I…
  • Air tight is key and althoough the recipe asks for 4 you really don't need to make four. Cleaning the machine can be annoying so that's the main reason I make extra. And I have an easy to clean Breville Juice Fountain Pro
  • I have used No-Xplode in the past and its an incredible pre-work out supplement, gives you tons of energy to power through your workouts at a high intensity. Definitely doesn't taste the greatest but the energy you get from it makes it worth it. Some people get an upset stomach from it, so start with a smaller dose.…
  • Your welcome, I actually juice every day, After my work out at night, I make enough juice to fill 2 thermostats and a 20oz glass. I have the 20oz glass immediately and then one thermostat in the morning and one at lunch the next day. It is best to drink the juice immediately but I have found keeping it in a good thermostat…
  • My Mixtures have tried all of these mixed together randomly. just add an Apple and a Full lemon into anything and it makes it tastes good. Green Pepper, Carrots, Beets Lettuce (leaf, iceberg) Spinach Broccoli Asparagus Apple Lemons Celery Cucumber Zucchini Kale A hint, to keep the price of your juicing down, use items with…
  • Calgary here, just moved from Newmarket, Ontario
  • wow, great work
  • I would recommend the water, although it always tastes better with milk, you eventually get used to it and save yourself on those calories everyday.
  • Definitely protein shake is your best best.
  • You get used to it, and the pain starts going away. I circuit train and box, and the first day I didn't think I would even beable to walk out of the gym let alone be able to walk home, now when I leave I feel like I can run home, I wake up with no pain. P90x is the same, the more you do it the more your body will get a…
    in P90x Comment by bhall33 April 2012
  • I'm a guy, but we get thigh chafing to sometimes. Well I did when I first started, I used body glide and it didn't always work. They didn't stop until I got my self decent pair of sport boxers to wear. These are the ones I wear: I know they are guys boxers but If they…
  • I have a Breville juice fountain elite. It is great, stainless steel and easy to clean (biggest issue with most juicers). And its dishwasher safe. I would not recommend going cheap on a juicer. I use mine daily. The juice will not last a week. I usually juice every night and place them into two thermostat containers that I…
    in Juicing Comment by bhall33 April 2012
  • I juice every day, usually make myself 3 glasses so I have enough throughout the day. and I mix various combinations of the following, doesn't matter what I put in there, I just make sure to put 1 full apple and 1/2 lemon into whatever you I mix and it makes it taste absolutely amazing. Carrots Celery Cucumber Lettuce Kale…
  • On rest days I usually get hungry out of pure boredom. Keep yourself busy and your mind off of food.
  • thanks everyone for the reply's. I am Canadian and you can literally get it everywhere for cheap, that's why I thought I would ask you guys.
    in Ephedrine Comment by bhall33 March 2012
  • I weigh myself every morning as soon as I wake up, I only enter my weight loss when it drops below my last mark. If I don't weigh myself at the same time every day you will see a big fluctuation in weight. I have weighed myself at night and woke up and was 5lbs lighter. If you are working the plan exercising and eating…
  • This! High in protein, low in Calories, and it tastes great. I go for the cookies and cream, and even mixed with just water it tastes great.
    in protien Comment by bhall33 March 2012
  • Just think every time it jiggles, its going to start jiggling less as it gets smaller and tighter.
  • something like this?
  • This is pretty much the same for me. I have really good shoes but was still getting them. But turns out good shoes still have poor insoles. I bought Dr. Scholls sport ones and they have made a huge difference.
  • One thing I did when I started and could barely do any, I would do as many regular as possible then finish the rest doing "girl" push ups, I still do this.
  • Thanks everyone, I hated doing push ups at first, but that's where I see my biggest gains. Every week the number tends to increase. And I truly believe I can do 100 push ups straight, in the next month or two. Now its one of my favourite things to do.
  • I personally weigh myself daily and only log when it drops below my last result. So if it drops two days in a row I log it, but if it goes back up, I wait until I'm past that goal again.
  • I would switch up your exercise. If you normally do the same routine, switch it up with something different. In other words shock your body.
  • I don't think so because I pissed before I weighed myself the first time, and did not the second time.
  • Such an inspiration
  • Watch this, and it might change your mind about drinking anything diet. It did for me...
    in Diet Soda Comment by bhall33 March 2012
  • Jump Knee Tucks! and Running Stairs!