

  • Thanks for the fantastic information everybody. Russellb97 I'll definitely be checking the links you posted as well. I am currently in a plateu during a marathon training plan. The race is this sunday, so once it's over I'm planning on switching up my diet and exercise regiment. I've heard so many positive things about…
  • Upping your daily average is an absolutely fantastic idea. "starvation mode" for the average woman is 1200 calories or lower. When you go any lower than around 1200, your body starts holding on to any fat storage it has because it is afraid you aren't going to be intaking enough nutrients. The best way to lose your weight…
  • Thanks everyone!
  • If you decide to pop it, just make sure you sterilize a pin/needle first! And only make a small hole.
  • Yes, pretty much any pharmacy will carry mole skin. I believe it is made by Dr. Scholls. They also make specific bandage to cover and protect blisters as well. For the mole skin, it comes in a big bandaid-like sheet. Cut out a piece thats bigger than your blister, then cut out a smaller circle in that piece so the blister…