

  • I'm not sure what I'm doing.....I need a book for cfomputer DUMMIES lol but i tried replying and clicked on quote and now what you said is under my name...I'm confused.
  • 1. my baby boy died 2 days after he was born in June and I'm pissed and very depressed. 2. because of my lost, I've changed as a person and I don't wanna be around pregnant woman or see infants. It's a reminder of what I don't have! 3. I want to lose the weight but i don't wanna put the work into it and I'm afraid I'll…
  • I'm afraid of that as well but time will tell and I guess I'd rather skin than fat if I had to choose!
  • Hello, I'm turning 40 in May :( I'm a little shy of 5ft and weighing about 211lbs. I've been up and down for over a decade now. In June gave birth to my 4th child and he died 2 days later with complications. I have been very depressed and although I have lost some through depression I want to feel good about myself again…
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