3 minor confessions



  • 1. I have separated myself from the majority of my family, because my husband and i don't have kids and have been trying for 4 years now with 4 miscarries during that time.
    2. Jealously issues with pregnant women, babies, and toddlers.
    3. A few minor food issues, love it to much.

    One day at a time.........
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    1. I'm posting in the middle of the night to distract from horrendous dreams.
    2. These are caused by temazepam for anxiety.
    3. I'm going to cut them down tomorrow x
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    Sorry I have three more

    1. I want to get married and become a stay at home mom. A complete 180 from the workaholic I pretend to be.
    2. It is really hot in my apartment right now. The complex won't turn the AC on until next week. So I've been running cold water from all the taps. t thank you apartment people for paying for my water.
    3. I regret moving to Kentucky, more and more everyday
  • azure7
    azure7 Posts: 136 Member
    1. I'm an extremely polite person, but I scream obscentities when I'm driving because PEOPLE IN MIAMI NEED TO LEARN TO F-ING DRIVE! :blushing:
    2. I have really, really nice boobs and I fear losing them when I lose weight.
    3. I've been on a million (mostly crappy) dates in the last 2 years. I'm trying so hard to be patient but I'm afraid I'm never going to find the right guy.
  • 1. I have separated myself from the majority of my family, because my husband and i don't have kids and have been trying for 4 years now with 4 miscarries during that time.
    2. Jealously issues with pregnant women, babies, and toddlers.
    3. A few minor food issues, love it to much.

    One day at a time.........
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    3. I don't want to have children but I will give my husband 1 child because I love him.

    That's so unfair. My partners ex did this. Ex... Coz she was a terrible mother. Is a terrible mother. Just totally unfair of her to have kids. Why would you be with someone with such a fundamentally different goal in life?
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Sorry I have three more

    1. I want to get married and become a stay at home mom. A complete 180 from the workaholic I pretend to be.
    2. It is really hot in my apartment right now. The complex won't turn the AC on until next week. So I've been running cold water from all the taps. t thank you apartment people for paying for my water.
    3. I regret moving to Kentucky, more and more everyday

    Aw can't u move back? X
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    1. I eat about 3 bread and butter pickle chips everyday and don't log them in my food diary.

    2. I want to show off my thinner self to all the haters from my past.

    3. I wish I didn't want to drink alcohol.
  • 1. my baby boy died 2 days after he was born in June and I'm pissed and very depressed. 2. because of my lost, I've changed as a person and I don't wanna be around pregnant woman or see infants. It's a reminder of what I don't have! 3. I want to lose the weight but i don't wanna put the work into it and I'm afraid I'll always be this fat.........I guess we have a couple things in comman. One day at a time.........
  • I'm not sure what I'm doing.....I need a book for cfomputer DUMMIES lol but i tried replying and clicked on quote and now what you said is under my name...I'm confused.
  • acrego
    acrego Posts: 84 Member
    1. A non water drinker naturally, I am actually starting to prefer it instead of diet dr pepper.
    2. When I look in the mirror I definitely am not comfortable with the body I see but somehow the image I see in the mirror is smaller than what I see in pictures.
    3. I am a night owl. Sometimes I am still up when hubby leaves for work.

    Pssst.... secret... EVERYBODY looks bigger in pictures! It's true! That's why magazines airbrush! (Which sucks, btw, but anyhow...) HTH, I was trying to make you feel better! :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I hate that my boobs are shrinking
    I secretly like being in the best shape of all my friends
    I love dark chocolate and have some everyday

    ^^ SO hear you on the boob thing!! Worst part!!

    Me too x
  • 1. my baby boy died 2 days after he was born in June and I'm pissed and very depressed. 2. because of my lost, I've changed as a person and I don't wanna be around pregnant woman or see infants. It's a reminder of what I don't have! 3. I want to lose the weight but i don't wanna put the work into it and I'm afraid I'll always be this fat.........I guess we have a couple things in comman. One day at a time.........

    I'm sorry that you lost your baby. Sending you a big hug. I can relate to the part about avoiding people because they have something you don't.
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    1. I still watch pro wrestling on youtube, especially WWF vs. WCW hey-days of the late 90s.

    2. I re-activated my World of Warcraft account three days ago.

    3. There are some smokin' hot women on this site.
  • jkdarby
    jkdarby Posts: 53 Member
    1. I don't know who Adele is. (I don't listen to the radio and only watch a few channels on TV)
    2. I love my job, but feel like I am so behind on some things right now.
    3. I dislike who my sister is marrying and can't bring myself to tell her (wedding is one month from today).
  • 1. I hate being around married people with kids. I don't think I will ever 'get over' my divorce and the fact that my child has no father in her life. It kills me a little more every day.

    2. I'm afraid of 75% of men.

    3. What I want more than anything in this world is to have a happy, complete family and live in a house with a yard. Simple things that I can't seem to attain.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    long story short my sister (not a drug addict), got me successfully written out my mothers will and stole money from the funeral. She is not my favorite person, when I left NYC, I told her I felt sorry for her.I stated she wasnt an addict because you'd expect that from them. She is just a greedy, selfish person.

    Sorry to hear that about your sister and your mother's will. It's painful enough to lose your mother but then having to deal with that kind of greed is terrible. I can sort of relate and never thought my sister would be so selfish about the same thing. The situation isn't quite the same as yours, but I can relate. My sister is the executor and before my mother died, at least three people begged her not to give the job to my sister, but because she's the eldest, my mother thought she should (even knowing my sister had stolen money from her, by transferring it right out of her bank account when she was alive!)

    End of rant.

    Glad you are taking care of yourself and best wishes on your continued success here.
  • 1. I don't know who Adele is. (I don't listen to the radio and only watch a few channels on TV)
    2. I love my job, but feel like I am so behind on some things right now.
    3. I dislike who my sister is marrying and can't bring myself to tell her (wedding is one month from today).

    I'd say tell her, but my brother revealed to me AFTER my divorce that he never liked my ex. When I look back, if he had told me 30 days before the wedding, I probably would have still married the guy and I would have been angry with my brother. All you can really do is BE THERE FOR HER, when it all falls apart. xo
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    1.I'm not sure I have a "goal weight" that is low enough....the scale could just keep going down and it wouldn't bother me. Although, I think others would think differently.

    2. Being a single mother is the hardest thing I've ever done and it never gets easier, my kids run me ragged...I always feel like a failure as a mom. :-(

    3. I'd really love to go to college.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    1. I'm in an emotional and social place I never thought I'd be, a married "single," doing all of the heavy lifting of parenting by myself because my husband is a workaholic.

    2. I realize at 48 how passive I've been in so many areas of my life.

    3. I think I might possibly have ADD or some other issues, and have come to the conclusion that even though certain things come easily to me (school, work), the regular demands of daily living are more difficult in some ways than they are for other people. I don't know if it's possible to overcome this, but I'm going to try.